Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Concert

Brooklyn participated in her first Band/Choir Christmas Concert last night. She plays the flute. This is her first year and we think she did excellent job. I took some photos, but have not been able to upload them yet. When I get them I will post them. Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Who says GIRLS can't shoot!!!

Brooklyn has been hunting with her Dad and her Grandpa for 3 years. On December 1, 2007, she tagged her first deer!! She tagged a 150 lb. doe. The next day she took her doe to be processed and told the guy exactly what she wanted out of it like she was a pro. We are having the hide tanned for her. We are all so very proud of her!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Honor Roll!!

Some of you may not recall, but Honor Roll doesn't apply until 5th grade. So this is our first year to be blessed with calling our daughter an Honor Roll student. Yup, that's right....Brooklyn received her Honor Roll certificate today and we couldn't be more proud. She also received a Perfect Attendance certificate.

Another item she was recognized for was her placement in the IESA State Speech Contest. This was the first year Brooklyn could participate and she loved it. You receive a I, II or III by the Judges and you are competing with students all over Illinois. She received a ribbon for placing as a II for her specific speech. We were very proud of her. She told us that she would like to do it again next year, but she wants to do a solo. We can't wait!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

This year Brooklyn decided to dress as a goth punk rocker. She looked completely different because for those of you who know her, she is a sweet little blonde headed child. Until October 31, 2007, Brooklyn turned into the goth child I always dreaded. But, she does look great if I do say so myself!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mason City Water Ball Fight

This weekend we went to the Mason City Water Ball fight where Tim, Roger, Richie and Tim R. competed against several other teams from Illinois. Tim's team placed 2nd. It was a long day, but it was tons of fun!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ashland Water Ball Fight

Some of you may of seen this photo in the State Journal Register. Our Tallula firefighters went to Ashland for the Water Ball Fight and placed 2nd. It was a hot day, but our guys did a fine job!! Way to go TVFD!!!!